From keypad:
From phone:
610 #
6.22.1 End-of-alarm receiver
End-of-alarms can be sent to a separate alarm receiver different from alarm receiver 1. If no
specific alarm receiver is programmed for End-of-alarm the alarms are sent to Alarm receiver
From keypad:
<Telephone number (max 20 digits)>
From phone:
<Telephone number (max 20 digits)>
And to set a specific End-of-alarm code use
From keypad:
<Code (max 10 digits)>
From phone:
<Code (max 10 digits)>
If no End-of-alarm code is specified the ECII™ Flex will use the Alarm code 1.
Alarm protocol
The CPC protocol is the default protocol used in ECII™ Flex. An alternative protocol P100 is
also available. This is activated by programming:
From keypad:
From phone:
060 #
To return to the CPC protocol:
From keypad:
From phone:
061 #
6.23.1 Different protocols for different receivers
Each receiver can be configured to use a specific receiver, e.g. use CPC for the primary re-
ceiver and P100 for the secondary receiver.
To specify a P100 receiver:
From keypad:
< Receiver >
From phone:
< Receiver > #
Position of magnet switch
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