For test of the alarm receiver program:
From keypad:
From phone:
800 #
Note: If the main alarm was never acknowledged, no Info Alarm will be sent out. Also, this
function will not dial out an Info Alarm following battery alarms nor test alarms/routine calls or
To ensure that a trapped passenger is actually released from the lift there is a function which
sends an end-of-alarm call with a specific alarm type to the alarm receiver. Alarm type is default
This alarm is activated by the rescue service by pressing a magnet to the front of the ECII™
Flex after having released the trapped person. See drawing below for location of the magnetic
switch. This is default deactivated. For activation or changing then alarm type:
For activation of magnetic switch:
From keypad:
From phone:
620 #
From keypad:
From phone:
# 620 #
For activation of magnetic switch and setting a different alarm type:
From keypad:
< alarm type >
From phone:
< alarm type > #
It is also possible to specify that the magnetic switch should only be active for 6 hours after an
emergency alarm. This function is activated using:
From keypad:
From phone:
621 #
The 6 hour open magnetic switch will use the default alarm type specified for the magnetic
switch function. To program another alarm type for the 6 hour open magnetic switch, first use:
From keypad:
< alarm type >
From phone:
< alarm type > #
Then activate the 6 hour open magnetic switch by programming:
From keypad:
From phone:
621 #
The 6 hour open magnetic switch can be deactivated and alarm type reset, the magnetic switch
will be turned off, use:
From keypad:
From phone:
# 621 #
It is also possible to send an end-of-alarm using the keypad or a telephone. The call will be
made after leaving programming mode. The alarm can be sent using:
162187 Manual FältCom ECII™ Flex
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