Chapter: 5
The program is interrupted whenever:
is pressed
The external Cycle Stop input is activated, pin 16 of connector I/O1.
The CNC executes the M00 function (program stop).
The conditional input (pin 18 of connector I/O1) is active when executing function M01
(conditional stop).
The external Feed-hold is active, pin 15 of connector I/O1. The CNC will continue
executing the program when feed-hold is released (deactivated).
When the program execution is interrupted, the CNC stops the execution of the block and
it allows to:
Change the mode of execution. From Automatic to Single Block and vice-versa.
Quit the execution mode and select another operating mode.
Analyze the contents of previous and following blocks by using
Regardless of the block being displayed, the CNC "remembers" the block where the
program was interrupted and it resumes execution from that block on.
Select another block to resume the execution of the program from that block on.
Press [CL] twice, enter the desired block number and press [RECALL].
To resume program execution, press
or activate the external Cycle Start input,
pin 17 of connector I/O1.
The execution of the program ends when:
The CNC executes function M30. code indicating the end of the program with return
to the first block of the program.
The external Emergency Stop signal is activated (pin 14 of connector I/O1). The CNC
issues the corresponding error and program must be executed from the beginning.
It must be borne in mind that if machine parameter "P30" is set with a value
smaller than 900; when activating the Reset input (pin 12 of connector I/O1)
the CNC interrupts the execution of the program and starts executing from the
block number indicated by machine parameter "P30".