Running the CommandApp from a Command Line
The Facilis CommandApp can be run from the CLI on Windows, Mac, and Linux. This gives
users the ability to script and automate TerraBlock Manager commands.
CommandApp must remain in the manager folder in order to run.
The application allows for certain variables to be set when running.
CommandApp.exe -i ipaddr -u username -p password -command
– Specify the IP address of the TerraBlock server if connecting via Ethernet.
– Specify the username you wish to log into the Terrablock server with.
– Specify the password if username and password login is enabled on the Terrablock
server. Enter “” for no password.
– Displays the CommandApp help menu.
- command – where command is one of the following:
- list volumes
- list users
- list system
- remount multiwrite volumes
- mount volume
- mount read only
- unmount volume
- unmount all volumes
On windows you will use the command prompt to run the CommandApp. You can launch
the Command Prompt by going to the Start Menu and choosing ‘Run’. In the ‘Run’
window, type “cmd” and hit enter.
In the command prompt “cd” to the directory containing the CommandApp. This should
be the Windows Manager/CommandApp directory. From here you can launch the
CommandApp with any of the variables above.
The example below would cd to the Windows Manger directory in Program Files then
remounts Multi User Write volumes via Ethernet from the server at IP address
. In this example the CommandApp connects to the server using user
with no password.
cd \Program Files\Windows Manager\CommandApp
TerraBlockManager.exe -i -u CommandAppUser -p ""
Windows 8/10 will require you set the application to run as an
administrator in the application properties.
The CommandApp on windows needs to be renamed to match the
TerraBlock Manager exactly in order to pull the correct mount properties.