Click the “Add” button to add/create a ‘Job’ to be run. The job will be added to the lower
pane. Files and/or directories can be selected from multiple volumes and added as
separate jobs to be run at once. A job added will display a “Pending” status. Once the
jobs have completed, the status will change to “Done”. A job can be removed by
highlighting it in the lower pain and clicking the ‘Remove Job’ button.
Multiple jobs can be added and
will be run after selecting the ‘Start Copy’
Set the copy speed by entering the desired number of mega-bytes per second (MB/s).
Setting the MB/s is useful if you want to keep the traffic and/or load on the TerraBlock
server low.
Any errors during copy will be recorded to the Log tab. The Save Log button will save the
error log as a text file that can be sent to Facilis Support for review.
Compare File Dates Checkbox
This checkbox is deselected by default. In the default case, files are copied only if they do
not exist in the destination. If a file has the same name and size, it will not be copied.
Selecting “Compare File Dates” instructs the tool to inspect modification times of files, so
if a file exists in the destination, it will be copied if it is newer. If the checkbox is off, file
modification times are ignored. The checkbox is useful in cases where a file has the same
name and size in the destination, but you want to copy if it is newer.
Be sure the destination volume has enough space for the data being
After the jobs have completed, the Log tab can be selected above the lower pane to view
the status of each job that has been done. If any errors are generated during the copy,
check the Log for more details.
Verify MD5 Sum Checkbox
This checkbox is deselected by default. Selecting Verify MD5 Sum will run a file
comparison on the source and destination locations. The option will add significant time to
any copy operation. MD5 Sum errors will be reported in the error log.