attach the mount to the back of the frame and use a paint pen
or center punch to mark the second hole. Remove the mount
and drill the second hole in to the frame. Re-install the
bracket to the
of the frame and attach with the
supplied 5/16” hardware. If your Rhino
the factory locating hole, position the mount onto the
backside of the frame section just above where the rear
upper control arm mounts to the frame. With the mount on
the back of the frame, hold the new bracket a ¼” below the
upper frame rail and ¼” back of the inside of the frame
section. Use a paint pen or center punch to mark the two
holes onto the back of the frame. Use a drill with a 5/16”
drill bit and drill out these two holes. Re-install the bracket
to the
of the frame section and attach with the
supplied 5/16” hardware. Torque to 20 lbs. SEE PHOTOS
Photo of passenger rear
Photo of passenger rear
Mount on inside
of the frame
Upper frame rail
Rear frame section
Photo of passenger rear
Locate FT89028 Hose Clamps and position the shock
reservoir onto the new mount and attach with the new
clamps. Do not over tighten the clamps. SEE PHOTOS
Rear Upper
control arm
¼” in, down
from the bottom
of frame rail
Photo of passenger rear
Photo of passenger rear
Make sure that the
hose does not make
contact with the
¼” in from back
of inside of
frame section