Use a sharp #11 blade to remove the covering from the slot for the
elevator servo control horn. You may have to slightly enlarge this
hole to allow for maximum travel.
Before installing the elevator servos, I highly recommend that you
take a moment and wick some thin CA (I prefer the Mercury
Adhesives line of CAs) around the servo mounting rib and root rib
where they attach to the sheeting as well as the anti-rotation pin
where it is mounted in the stab. Temporarily install the servo arms
and electronically center the servos. It will be much easier to
match up the servos at this point than when they are installed. I
also recommend that you thin a small amount of epoxy with a few
drops of alcohol and apply a light coat to the inside of the stab and
to the servo mounting rib as well as to the root rib and mounting
tabs. Over time exhaust residue begins to collect here and by
sealing it with epoxy you will prevent degradation of the wood.