Your new Extreme Flight 50cc Extra 300 includes all necessary hardware with
the exception of main wheels, tailwheel, axles and collars and a 4” spinner.
These items were omitted as I have been unable to source satisfactory versions of
these items in China. I recommend Dubro 5/32” axles and collars and 3.5 inch
main wheels.
You will find a complete pull-pull system, as well as high quality heavy duty ball
links, titanium turnbuckle pushrods and composite control horns, and a carbon
fiber tailwheel assembly. You will also find 3 white ball links. 2 of these are for
use with the included 2mm pushrod for the throttle assembly (this set-up is for
the DA-50-other engines may require a longer pushrod), the other is for the
bottom of the rudder to retain the tailwheel tiller arm.
The bonded sealing washers are used when mounting the cowl and
canopy/hatch. When the bolts used to retain the canopy/hatch and cowl are
tightened against the bonded sealing washer, the rubber on the washer
compresses, preventing the bolt from backing out. The rubber on the washer
also protects the surface of the cowl. Tighten the bolts until the rubber
compresses, but do not allow the metal part of the washer to make contact with
the cowl.
For best results, remove all set screws from the tailwheel assembly and
disassemble the unit. File flat spots on the tailwheel wire so that all set screws
will seat properly. Place a drop of blue Loctite on all set screws and re-insert
them into their holes.
The Extra is not supplied with graphics. The “sticker” type graphics included
with our smaller aircraft simply don’t hold up well to gasoline. We recommend
using vinyl graphics. There are several companies that specialize in model
aircraft logos and can supply you with a top notch graphics package that will
really dress up your Extra. Our local graphics guy Jeff Dean of Vital Signs and
Graphics (770-363-2727 or www.vital-signs.biz) has packages available for the
Extra like the ones pictured on our aircraft. He can modify these to suite your
needs as well.