delay SWItcH-OFF
You can program a delayed switch-off for the stove. For example, if it is 8 pm and the delayed switch-off is set to 1h, the stove will automatically
switch off at 9 pm.
If you press and hold keys 6 + 2 at the same time, the screen “DElAY SWITCH-OFF” will appear,
this setting can only be configured if the
stove is in the PREPARATION or WORK phase
Use keys 2 and 3 to increase/decrease the number of hours after which the stove will automatically start the final cleaning phase.
The number of hours range from OFF, 1 to 9.
Press P6 to confirm and return to the Home page.
One hour after the set switch-off time, the remaining operating time is indicated by displaying at one-minute intervals “switch off in” and
the time “HOURS xx:xx”.
InStallatIOn mUSt Be perFOrmed By qUalIFIed StaFF and/Or tHe manUFactUrer'S SerVIce tecHnIcIanS
addItIOnal FUnctIOnS
addItIOnal tHermOStat InStallatIOn (OptIOnal)
The stove can control the room temperature through an additional thermostat (optional).
After ignition (by pressing key 1 or in chrono mode), the stove will work to reach the set value on the thermostat, displaying WORK (closed
contact) on the screen. The standard room sensor is by-passed automatically.
When the thermostat temperature has been reached (open contact), the stove switches to minimum power level and displays MODUlATION
A mechanical or digital thermostat with a “normally open” input is required.
Remove the plug from the socket.
Using the figure to the side as a reference, connect the two thermostat cables (clean contact -
no 230 v!).
Connect the power to the stove again.
Set the Mode to AUX.
PleAse nOTe: The TeRmInAl cAn be fOunD In The bAg InsIDe The sTOve.