ExRobotics B.V.
ExR-2 Robot
Operating Guide
Document No.:
Version No.: 2
Ian Peerless
Page 32 of 39
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Copyright 2022 ExRobotics B.V.
Questions and Answers
What is my robot’s status
obots include indicators that show the robot’s status. The
se are located in the communications
module and can be seen through the slots in the side panel RH (see pictures).
We’re gradually
increasing the number of indicator patterns and the information they convey and will publish
standard patterns when the work is complete. In the meantime, your account manager can tell you
the status of your robot if you send them a picture of its LEDs.
Why can’t I connect to a robot?
ExRobotics check whether each robot connects to the server before
it’s deployed. Therefore
connection issues are of
ten because the control station hasn’t connected to the server. The most
common reason is that a customer firewall has blocked access.
The connection to the robot consists of two types, one for the control commands via HTTPS over
TCP and one for very low-latency video signals via WebRTC over UDP. To be able to control the
robot from a computer within corporate networks both connection types need to be allowed by
both the corporate and the computer firewall. Your account manager can advise you of the
Protocols, Ports and IP addresses.
Why has my robot stopped working in cold weather?
If the temperature of the main chip in the electronics box
drops below 0⁰C
the robot will shut
down. There is protective software to prevent this happening but if necessary relocate the robot
somewhere warmer. W
hen its temperature is above 0⁰C
switch the robot off and on again and it
should come back to life.
Why doesn’t my controller work
This is usuall
y because your control station thinks it’s connected to more than one controller.
(devices like USB mice or keyboards with extra multimedia buttons can be interpreted as
). You can check the situation by going to
any additional devices that are identified as controllers. The website also enables you to test your
main controller.