ExRobotics B.V.
ExR-2 Robot
Operating Guide
Document No.:
Version No.: 2
Ian Peerless
Page 25 of 39
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Copyright 2022 ExRobotics B.V.
When a new user is registered they will receive an E-Mail that will prompt them to change their
password before full access is granted. It’s then possible to connect to robots by visiting this
address using Google Chrome:
Customer support
Every customer will have an ExRobotics account manager that will:
Agree the specifications for each robot and the associated support package.
Organise robot deliveries and deployment support until a customer has sufficient experience
to be independent.
Act as the first point of contact for customer queries.
Organise any maintenance or repairs that may be required. Each incident will be given a
unique “ticket number”.
Agree the timing of any new software updates and upgrades.
The customer will have access to the account manager’s E
-Mail address and mobile phone number.
As a contingency ExRobotics can be contacted by E-Mail at
Software releases
ExRobotics can update and upgrade robot software remotely over the 4G public network. Before
the software is updated the account manager will:
Agree with the customer whether the release is applicable and any charges that will apply.
Decide when the release can best be installed to minimise disruption to the customer.
Routine Maintenance
When the opportunity arises, the customer will perform simple routine maintenance:
The camera and light windows will be cleaned with a damp, soft cloth.
The charger plates and 4G antenna will be cleaned with a damp/soft cloth.
The area around the docking station will be cleared of debris and leaves.
The robot will be inspected for visible damage. In particular, if the wire antennas are too bent
they should be replaced. New wires will be sourced from ExRobot
ics to maintain the robot’s
Ex status. They screw onto their bases.
The tracks will be checked for visible wear and obstructions.
They’ll be replaced if necessary.
The gas detectors (if fitted) will be calibrated at the intervals specified by their supplier.
Batteries should be regenerated every 6 months or when their performance deteriorates.
Batteries can be regenerated by fully depleting them by driving the robot with its lights on
until it stops and then fully recharging them with the quick charger. Repeat this another 2
times. Alternatively, the batteries can be replaced as described below.
Replacing tracks
Track life will depend on the terrain and nature of the robot
’s routes. However, they should last for
at least 40km.
Replacement tracks will be supplied by ExRobotics to maintain the robot’s