NexLog Recorder User Manual v2.2.0
4.7.2. Archive Configuration
This section has the same basic display as ‘Archiving: Archives’ but has different
control buttons:
Figure 52
—Archive Configuration
Add Archive:
Archive drives which cannot be detected must first be added to the recorder so
that they show up as selectable drives on the Setup Archives page. Once added,
they can then be configured using the 'Configure' button. As will all archive
drives, the recorder must also have the correct license keys installed to be able
to access the archive drives. After clicking this button, you must select which
type of addable archive drive to add to the system. The options are Network
Attached Storage (NAS) which are also sometimes known as 'Network Shares', or
'Centralized Archive', which is another NexLog recorder which will be acting as
an archive device for the current recorder. You will be able to configure archive
parameters specific to the NAS or Catapult here, these options are identical to
the ones provided under 'Configure Archive' for the archive drive and will be
described below.
Delete Archive:
Archive drives that have been previously added (NAS or Catapult) can be deleted
via this button.
Archive Transfer:
If you insert previously–recorded archive media into a drive, this button can be
used to perform a restore operation, i.e., copy the calls from that medium back
to RAID. Several checks are performed before transferring the data:
Does the serial number of the recorder that recorded the archive medium
agree with that of the destination recorder?
Are the channel names of the recorder the same as the destination?