NexLog Recorder User Manual v2.2.0
have special operations. For example Archive Drives have OPENTRAY and
BROWSEARCHIVE permissions while Alerts have ACKNOWLEDGE permissions.
Because there can be a very large number of permission assignments on the
system, above the table, you will find a mechanism for filtering the list: that is to
show only a targeted subset of the full permissions. There is a User Filter and a
Groups Filter. By default both are set to "All" which causes all of the permission
assignments to be shown. If the User filter is set to a username and Groups
Remains set to 'All', the list will show all permission the selected user is
assigned, either due to direct assignment to the user, or via inheritance through
one of the groups the user is enrolled in. You can determine whether the
permission is a direct assignment or due to a group, by whether the username
or group name field in the permission assignments role is filled in. You can also
use this method to determine which group permission is inherited from. If The
Users filter is set to 'All' and a Group selected via that Group Filter, you will see
all permissions currently assigned to that group. You cannot set both filters at
the same time. Setting one of the filters invalidates the other. Note that the filter
only effects what data is displayed and has no effect on any actions you may
take on that data
If you select a Permission in the table, you may then press the "Delete
Permission" to delete the permission assignment from the system. If the selected
permission assignment is assigned directly to the user, the permission will be
removed from that user. If the permission is assigned to a group, it will be
removed from the group, and hence, all users currently inheriting the
permission from that group will no longer do so. Note that in both cases, users
may still be inheriting the same permission from a different group. To truly take
a permission away from a certain user, you must make sure the permission is
not assigned to the user, nor to any groups the user is enrolled in.
The final button is 'Add Permission', which adds a new permission assignment
to the system. At the top of the 'Add Permission' Page are two list boxes, for
Security Object and Security Operation. First select the security object for which
you want to add a permission assignment. The Security Operation list box will
automatically populate with the security operations which are relevant for that
security object. Next you must select either a User from the User list box or a
User Group from the Group list box which you want to assign the permission to.
You must choose a user or a group. You cannot select both at the same time. No
change will take place on the system until the Save button at the bottom of the
page is clicked.
4.10. SETUP: Utilities
4.10.1. Schedules
The Schedules Page allows the configuration and maintenance of Recording and
other Schedules. A Schedule is an event that happens either once at a
configured time, or repeatedly at a configured time, such as every Sunday at