Standard appearance of the operating window:
Icon of the radio communication
the range of the device operation
The range icon informs of a proper communication between the thermostat and the receiver
and of the strength of the signal between them. If at least one unit of the signal icon is full,
then the communication is proper.
The signal is sent to the receiver in the following cases only:
when the change in the thermostat operating conditions occurs, e.g. the temperature
raises or drops, when OK button is pressed, or when the thermostat requests turning
the device on or off, etc.;
10 minutes after the last activity.
Maximum range inside buildings is 30 m. However, the radio communication depends on
many factors (ceilings, thick walls, metal structural elements), which may reduce the
Empty units of the signal icon indicate lack of communication. If the signal fades out
permanently, then LACK OF COMMUNICATION appears in the text box. In such case moving
the thermostat somewhere else may help. The range icon will be updated not later than
after 10 minutes or after pressing OK shortly, when the display backlight is switched off.
If the thermostat cooperates with several receivers, then the displayed signal strength is the
signal strength of the most distant thermostat (the thermostat with the weakest signal).
When there is no communication in one of the receivers, then the units of the signal
strength icon will be empty but the thermostat and other receivers will operate properly. The
lack of communication information will appear only when the signal fades out in all of the
Text box
Displays the names of the menu elements and messages particularly important for the
operation of the thermostat.
Device operation icon
There is a bidirectional communication between the thermostat and the receiver.
Therefore, the heating / cooling icon is displayed only when the receiver confirms receiving
the signal of switching the transmitter on. This ensures that the heating or cooling device
was actually switched on. This icon disappears when the receiver confirms switching off at
the request of the thermostat.
When one receiver is controlled by several thermostats (and only some of them have a
priority of switching the heating on), then it is possible that the icon at other thermostats is
updated with a delay but not later than within 10 minutes after switching the device on.