“First changeover enrichment”
after activating that feature it is possible to lean/enrich the
mixture once after first changeover from petrol to gas. After first changeover to gas the gas
injection opening time will be elongated/shortened by selected “
Enrichment level”
During desired “
Enrichment duration”
.) the enrichment/impoverishment will be
decreasing/increasing linearly down to 0%.
Eg. after setting the enrichment to 20% for 20 sec. period, after 10 sec. from moment of
changeover, the enrichment value will be 10%, after 15 sec. It will be 5% and after 20 sec.
It will go back to 0%.
Function works when the reducer temperature is lower than “
Hot engine temp”.
and only after first changeover to gas from the moment of engine start.
“Rapid acceleration extra enrichment”
- turn on/off extra enrichment of gas mixture only
during rapid accelerations. We can define how much the mixture will be enriched during
rapid acceleration by increasing value of
“Strength of extra enrichment”.
As higher the that
value is, as more powerful and longer the enrichment will be.
“Hot start mode”
makes possible to run the car directly on gas (without usage of petrol) if
the reducer temperature is higher than
“Engine hot temp. [C]”.
“Mazda leaning function”
- it automatically detects change of petrol injection strategy from
sequential to semi-sequential and it's shortening gas injection time according to
leaning percentage [%]
value during all the period of work in semi-sequential mode.