Page Up –moves the whole multiplier line up by 0,1.
Page Down -moves the whole multiplier line up by 0,1
3.6.1. Auto-calibration on idle
a) Wait for the reducer to reach temperature of 50 C degree. The engine should be running on
petrol, on idle revs, air-conditioning must be turned off.
b) Press “
button and follow the instruction displayed during autocalibration
process. The progress bar in the bottom right corner of window is showing current autocalibration
progress. If the gas amount given to the engine would be too big/too small user will be informed by
a proper message.
c) If calculated “
Correction [ms]”
value (additive correction for cyl. no 1 from
bookmark is being shown in bottom right side of window) after autocalibration will be within safe
<0.5 ms – 2.5 ms>
erase the petrol map (by pressing
Erase Petrol Map
button) and gas
map (by pressing “
Gas Map”
button). If not please change the injectors type (or nozzle
size) / gas pressure according to programs suggestion and go back to point
3.6.1. a)
3.6.2. Collecting maps during the drive and calculation of adjustments
a) Go for a drive to collect petrol and gas maps in full range of loads (drive until 100% of both
maps will be collected) and lines won't be having any gaps or sharp curves.
The maps are being registered inside the ECU so it is not necessary to have PC connected during
map collection process, however it helps to collect them more quickly.
Two vertical bars (red and blue) on the right side of the map are showing where we still need to
collect some points. We need to keep the engine at the load where the colour bars are still present.
When there would be no sign of red/blue bar that means that we have collected 100% of petrol/gas