Instruction Manual ZHK
Safety indications for operation
The following instructions must be observed urgently for the safe operation of ATEX AHUs:
Operating conditions in accordance to the intended use.
In the immediate environment of the AHU there should be no substances ac-
cording to EN 1127-1:2011, which are prone to spontaneous combustion,
such as pyrophoric substances.
Permanent and adequate ventilation of the installation room to prevent the
creation of an explosive atmosphere, which is caused by leakage.
Do not exceed the maximum permitted speed of the fan, as it could otherwise
lead to sparking and damage.
Take measures to prevent any kind of ignition sources.
Safety indications for maintenance and repair work
For maintenance and repair work, the power supply of the AHU must be shut
Use only suitable tools according to EN 1127-1:2011 to prevent sparking.
Perform work only with conductive footwear (according to BGR 132) in order
to avoid electrostatic charging.
To avoid static charging, cleaning work may only be performed with a wet
Work may only be performed within an non-explosive atmosphere.
The creation of an explosive atmosphere needs to be counteracted by ade-
quate ventilation.
Avoid any kind of ignition sources.
Conformity to laws and directives
The AHU will be built and delivered according to the agreed specifications and exactly to your re-
quirements. It is important to note that the AHU is a part of a system and that the AHU is only after
assembling and connection to the system ready for operation. It is normal, that the AHU is ready
for operation only after installation-work.
Depending on the particular application and country-specific requirements and laws it is possible,
that the AHU does not meet the valid requirements at the ordered state at delivery.
Therefore, you
the customer and installer of the AHU
are obligated
before commis-
sioning of the AHU to check the conformity of the entire system to the valid laws and di-
If there are any doubts about the conformity of the AHU with the local (on site) valid laws and direc-
tives, the AHU is only allowed to be put into operation, if the conformity of the AHU in the system is
unequivocally guaranteed.
ErP conformity according to directive (EU) 1253/2014
The ErP directive (energy related products) determines minimum requirements to the efficiency of
air handling units. Important points, for which the system operator is responsible, are:
Multi staged control
All AHU`s, except those with double application, have to be equipped with multi staged drive or
speed control for fans. See
chapter 7 (electrical connection)
. Or in the special
chapter 7.5 (vari-
able, frequency-controlled drives (VFD, frequency converters)).
Summary of Contents for ZHK Series