E-Band and V-Band - Survey on status of worldwide regulation
E-Band case
The following clauses summarize the CEPT, ITU-R and USA regulations as the most representative for
most of the market. However, other national regulations could be present and referred to in the
Regulation overview
During 2003, the Commission adopted a Report and Order (modified by Memorandum Opinion and
Order on reconsideration [20]) establishing service rules to promote non-federal government
development and use of the millimetre wave spectrum in the 71-76 GHz, 81-86 GHz and 92-95 GHz
bands on a shared basis with federal government operations.
FCC had first produced regulations for E-Band use [19]. No specific channel arrangement is defined and
any channel size is formally permitted (even if the N x 1250 MHz aggregation is commonly used). Both
FDD and TDD are allowed. FDD applications shall use 10 GHz duplex separation. Minimum antenna gain
of 43dBi is required, but in future can become 38dBi. Licensing is based on “Non-exclusive Nationwide
with Link Registration” and coordination is mandatory.
Figure 9: FCC Frequency Plane
A summary of the main FCC technical specifications for operation in the E-Band are depicted in the
following table:
FCC - Technical Specifications for Operation in E-Band
Maximum power limit
5 dBW
Maximum equivalent isotropically radiated
power (EIRP)
55 dBW
Transmitter maximum power spectral
density (PSD)
150 mW/100 MHz
Automatic transmit power control (ATPC)
Minimum antenna gain
43dBi (38dBi)
Provision for reduced EIRP
Max EIRP reduced by 2 dB per 1 dB
reduction in antenna gain respect 50dBi
Minimum spectral efficiency
0.125 bits/s/Hz
Table 1: FCC Technical Specifications
See Petition for Rulemaking [36]; FWCC asks that the Commission authorize smaller antennas in the 71-76 and 81-86 GHz