E-Band and V-Band - Survey on status of worldwide regulation
Special case - OFCOM UK
From 2006 to 2009, when in Europe, in practice, only the UK had opened the band to fixed services, ETSI
developed TS 102 524 “Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-Point equipment; Radio equipment and antennas
for use in Point-to-Point Millimetre wave applications in the Fixed Services (mmwFS) frequency bands 71
GHz to 76 GHz and 81 GHz to 86 GHz” as an aid to the market for equipment assessment.
After a public consultation, OFCOM [23] decided to change the former regime, moving from a light
licence regime, based on a public database, to a double regime where the band is subdivided into two
parts, a part regulated as fully coordinated (link-by-link) and the upper parts as self-coordinated (light
licensing). The next figure shows how the frequency arrangement is now implemented.
Figure 14: UK E-Band frequency arrangement