E-Band and V-Band - Survey on status of worldwide regulation
This picture taken from EFIS system [30], provides an idea about the current implementation status of
these two recommendation in Europe.
ECC Recommendation (09)01
Use of the 57 - 64 GHz Band for P-to-P Fixed Wireless Systems
23 Cases reported
ECC Recommendation (05)02
Use of the 64-66 GHz Frequency Band for the Fixed Service
27 Cases reported
Figure 3: Implementation status of ECC(09)01 and ECC(05)02
The reason for having separate recommendations is the significantly reduced oxygen absorption impact
in the upper range, which may suggest different licensing conditions. However, the two
recommendations can be jointly used in a continuous 50 MHz elementary slot raster, for building up a
larger aggregated channel size. The only difference lies in the different emission levels permitted.
Frequency division duplex (FDD) and time division duplex (TDD) technologies are both possible and FDD
duplex separation is unspecified.
In some places, the band 59 to 61 GHz is used for NATO/military applications. Some administrations
have decided to reserve the band 61-61.5 GHz for Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) (SRD) use only.
Similar recommendations are available in ITU-R:
ITU-R Recommendation F.1497-2 (2014 ): “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for fixed
wireless systems operating in the band 55.78-66 GHz”[12]
where bands 55.78 – 57 GHz, 57 – 64 GHz and 64 – 66 GHz are treated in different annexes.
In USA, the FCC regulates the band and 57-64 GHz is included in:
47 C.F.R. part 15 “Radio Frequency Devices” (15.255) [18]
Therefore, the FCC recommendation is not specific for fixed links only but it covers any generic
“intentional radiator”.