E-Band and V-Band - Survey on status of worldwide regulation
V-Band country by country overview
This review covers 61 countries, with details reported in the attached database [Appendix A]. Although a
considerable number of countries have opened the new wide continuous part of the band, covering at
least the 59-63 GHz portion, the situation today is still not well harmonized with many band variations
as well as fragmentation into sub-bands.
Figure 5: Global implementation of V-Band per country
More than 15 different sub-bands, covering 83 different cases in total, were found in the survey and are
summarized in the database snapshot in Figure 7 and in Appendix B - Table 4.
The fragmented situation today can be attributed to:
Historical reasons where many countries have not yet adopted the wide band regulations that
include the previously excluded 59-64 GHz portion;
Sharing reasons where in some countries segments of the band are excluded due to concerns for
other primary services. For example in some countries the 63-64 GHz portion is excluded due to
Regulatory concerns where the band in some countries is split into segments with different
regulations. For example, concerns can be due to the much lower propagation loss in the 64-66
GHz part, or due to different sharing conditions.
Global implementation of V-band
Countries with band open but details unknown
Countries where no part of the band is open
Countries with only new wide band - more than 4 GHz
Countries with at least one old band and a new wide
Countries with only, at least, one of the old bands
Countries with other band fragmentations