E-Band and V-Band - Survey on status of worldwide regulation
Application fee – this is a one-time charge due for the approval of frequency assignment. The
application fee should cover the cost of the initial activities performed in assessing the suitability
of the frequency to be used for the intended application.
Annual Frequency Management fee – this is a recurrent fee payable annually to cover the right to
use a scarce resource and the cost of the activities performed to safeguard the use of the
frequencies. This part can depend on a lot of parameters, such as frequency band, channel size,
capacity, congested region, hop length.
In general, a licence fee depends on channel bandwidth and frequency band. Other parameters that can
affect the fee calculation are for instance the number of transmitters and geometric considerations
(area). The use of incentives is frequent to promote use of higher frequencies.
Our survey confirmed that licence fees vary a lot from country to country. For the E-Band case, we have
provided a high level comparison of the fees due in given cases.
In Appendix [G] a number of real methods used by administrations to determine fees are reported.