Automatic White Balance
This function automatically adjusts the color to achieve the “color balance”.
This function will give the reference of “true white” to show the camera what
the color white looks like.
Measured in bps, this unit refers to the transmission capacity of
telecommunications links.
BLC (Back Light Compensation)
This function automatically adds more details to darker areas of an image
when bright lights, for example shining from behind, obscuring.
BNC connector
This is a type of RF connectors that interconnect two coaxial cables. BNC
connector is usually used to with CCTV components such as network cards
or video connections.
bps (Bits Per Second)
This unit is used to measure the speed of data moving between
sources. For example, 1Mbps is roughly equal to 128 KBps.
This is an unit of digital information. A unit of eight bits is known as a Byte.
The bit rate (in kbit/s or Mbit/s) is defined as the number of bits/time unit.
CCD (Charge Coupled Device)
CCD is one type of computer chips. It is designed for the movement of
electrical charge. Basically CCD converts the light energy that enters a
camera into an electrical charge, which is then converted into an electronic
image. There are two types of CCD: frame transfer and interline transfer.