This is a type of multiplexer that allows simultaneous recording (to the tape)
and live, full screen displaying.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
SNMP is short for Simple Network Management Protocol. This protocol is
widely used in network monitoring and control.
SSL/TSL (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security)
These two protocols
SSL is succeeded by TSL
are cryptographic protocols
that provide secure communication on a network. SSL is commonly used
over HTTP to form HTTPS, as used e.g. on the Internet for electronic financial
transactions. SSL uses public ket certificates to verify the identify of the
subnet mask
A group of selected bits that determine a sub network within a TCP/IP
protocol and identifies which part is available.
Signal to Noise
Also known as S/N or SVR, it refers to the ratio between the signal voltage
and the noise voltage, measuring the signal strength to background noise.
The ratio is measured in decibels (db).
TCP is short for Transmission Control Protocol and IP stands for Internet
Protocol. The two protocols enable communication between different
networks of different vendors into the overall network – Internet. IP takes
charge in delivering packet of data between nodes. TCP enhances support of
detecting errors or losing data. If the errors or lost data is detected, TCP will
trigger the retransmission until the packet is correctly and completely