Gain is the amplification factor and the extent to which an analog amplifier
boosts the strength of a signal. The decibel (dB) is the most common unit for
measuring the gain of an amplifier.
The required hardware and software connect two disparate network
GIF is the abbreviation of Graphics Interchange Format. GIF is one of the
most common file formats used for storing graphical images up to 256 colors.
It is commonly used in web pages.
It is the abbreviation of “Group of VOPs”. The group of VOP’s is the basic unit
of an MPEG-4 video stream. The GOV contains different types and members
of VOP’s (I-VOP’s, P-VOP’s, etc.) as determined by the GOV length and GOV
Horizontal resolution
The number of discernable lines across on the TV screen is called the
horizontal resolution. This measures the maximum amount of individual
picture elements recognizable in a single scanning line.
HTML is the abbreviation of Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the language
used for the creation of WWW pages.
HTTP is the abbreviation of HyperText Transfer Protocol. This is the protocol
utilized to transmit and request information from WWW servers to browsers,
either online or over networks.