Event Handle – Event Rule
The Event Rule page is used to define actions (e.g. record to SD card) in response to the triggering of an
event (e.g. motion detection).
The Add/Update rule screens contain the same fields.
Rule Name
is a user defined name for a user defined trigger/action. A trigger or action may require
additional settings (e.g. motion detection area).
Period Time
is a time interval during which an event can not be triggered. For example, if
Period Time
is set
to 60, then after a specific event is triggered (e.g. motion detection), that event can only be triggered after
60 seconds.
This applies only to a user-defined event. If 2 motion detection events have been configured (e.g. MD1 and
MD2), then if MD1 is triggered, MD2 can still be triggered regardless of MD1’s Period Time setting.