Fuel Data
Fuel Weight Per Gallon BTU Content
#2 Fuel Oil
7.49 lbs
144,300 per gallon
6.97 lbs.
134,500 per gallon
4.20 lbs.
91,500 per gallon
Approximate Burner Fuel
Low Pressure Fuel Oil
935,000 BTU @ PSI
6.5 GPH per burner
(144,000 BTU per gallon)
Kerosene Generating
575,000 BTU @ 40 PSI
4.25 GPH per burner
(135,000 BTU per gallon)
Heating Terminology
Flash Point (Open Cup)
The temperature at which a flammable liquid in an
open container emits vapor that will flash when ex-
posed to a direct flame. This temperature is lower than
required for the liquid mass to ignite.
Closed Flash Point
The temperature at which a flammable liquid in a
closed container emits a vapor that will flash when ex-
posed to a direct flame. This temperature is lower than
required for the liquid mass to ignite. The closed flash
point is generally 30
(F) lower than the open cup flash
Fire Point
The temperature at which a flammable liquid emits
a vapor at a rate that will continue to burn after it has
Ignition Temperature
(Kindling Temperature)
The lowest temperature at which a combustible
material will continue to burn once ignited.
Heat transfer by a flow of a liquid or gas over a solid
material. Example: Flues in asphalt tank are heated
from hot gases passing through them, or, heat transfer
coils in tank are heated from steam or hot oil passing
through them.
Heat transfer through a solid mass by direct molecu-
lar contact. Example: Heat applied only to one end of
a metal rod will be transferred throughout the entire
body by molecular transfer.
General Fuel Data
And Heating Terminology