Servicing The Etnyre P-15 Pump
6. Next, measure the case bore vertically at a point
2.8 inches from each side. The vertical measurement
must not exceed 5.660 inches. If any bore measure-
ments exceed these limits, the entire pump must be re-
7. If inspection indicates the pump case is accept-
able, measure the outside diameter of the impeller gears.
Measure the impeller gears from tooth point to tooth
point on teeth directly opposite each other. The mini-
mum outside diameter of the gears should be 5.635
inches. The minimum length of the gears should be
3.628 inches.
8. If any impeller gear is undersize, the entire four-
gear set must be replaced.
9. End plate gasket thickness should be 0.014 - 0.016
10. Divider plate thickness should be 0.127 - 0.128
Impeller Installation And Pump
Each impeller gear set uses a series of dots on the
gear faces to indicate position of the gears within the
pump. Refer to Figure 24 for proper positioning of the
gears. The dots must face away from the divider plate
(towards the ends of the pump). Install the impellers in
numerical order.
Vacuum Check
1. Flush pump with 3 quarts of diesel fuel through
fill line.
2. Set controls for filling operation.
3. Install vacuum gauge in fill line cap.
4. Operate pump at 140 GPM on pump tachometer.
A vacuum reading of less than 5Hg. (inches of mer-
cury) after 2 minutes of operation indicates a vacuum
leak or a worn pump.
Pump Disassembly And Inspection
1. Remove 20 capscrews from perimeter of pump
end plate (see Figure 24).
2. Install two capscrews in the threaded holed near
the outer edge of the end plate at approximately the 5
o’clock and 11 o’clock positions. Tighten the
capscrews evenly to force the endplate away from the
pump body.
3. Remove the endplate, impeller shafts and impel-
lers (gears) as an assembly.
4. Clean the interior of the pump case. Slide your
fingers across the interior surfaces of the case. If a
narrow raised area can be felt midway between the front
and the rear of the case, the entire pump should be
5. If there is no raised area, measure the bore of the
case at its widest point horizontally (side-to-side). This
measurement must not exceed 9.910 inches.
Figure 24. Etnyre Asphalt Pump
Dots on this end (4)
Dots on this end (2)
Dots on this end (1)
Dots on this end (3)
Divider Plate