the shot is too fat and heavy you would have to de-
crease the start up factor by as much as 25 to 30% to
get it where you want it. You can then make some finer
adjustments once you get it close to what you desire.
Pushing the change display button again will move you
to the next screen which displays the minimum pump
speed. The minimum pump speed should be set to 0
using the application rate switch. When the minimum
pump speed has been set, depress the reset gallons but-
ton to move to the next screen. The display can also be
changed to show all of the above items in metric units
if so desired. See the part of the manual on screen set
up for a description of how to do this.
10. Circulation Rate Switch
This switch controls the speed of the asphalt pump
for all functions requiring circulation or transfer of
material except spraying. You should select the spray
bar length to be used before setting the circulation rate.
When spraying (the spray bar switch is on), the asphalt
pump is controlled by the setting of the Application Rate
switch. To increase the circulation rate, hold the Circu-
lation Rate switch up, and to decrease the circulation
rate, hold the Circulation Rate switch down. Holding
the switch up or down for more than a 5 seconds, causes
the circulation rate to change faster. The last number to
appear on the digital screen immediately after releas-
ing the circulation rate switch will be the set point.
11. Reset Feet Button
This button resets the feet traveled count to zero. It
can be used after each shot if so desired or at the end of
the day’s work.
12. Suction Switch
This switch is used to select the use of the optional
front suction valve instead of the rear suction valve.
This switch is only installed on distributors which have
the optional front suction valve installed.
13. Bar Selector Switches
These switches actuate each individual foot of spray
bar for control of which parts of the spray bar will open
when the spray bar switch is turned on. In the up posi-
tion, the selected foot of spray bar will come on when
the spray bar switch is turned on. The computer will
automatically change the pumping rate whenever a
switch is turned on or off while spraying, to compen-
sate for the shorter or longer number of feet being
sprayed. These switches are only installed when the
distributor is equipped with the one foot control op-
tion, and then only for the number of feet of bar origi-
nally installed at the factory.
14. Rotary Actuator
This knob is for the optional cab control of the 4-way
valve and the suction valve at the rear of the distributor.
15. Memory Buttons
The computer can store 5 different application rates
in internal memory. In order to program a button you
must hold the button down while adjusting the applica-
tion rate using the application rate switch. Once the
application rate is stored in a location, you merely need
to tap the appropriate button to bring it back to use.
16. Change Display Button
This button changes the display through the 5 screens
of information available. (6 screens if the temperature
option is on the machine.) The normal operating screen
shows gal/sq yd, fpm and gpm. Depressing the button once
will take you to the next screen, feet of bar, feet traveled
and gallons sprayed. Depressing the button once again
will take you to the next screen, sq yd shot, temperature
in ºC, temperature in ºF (optional). Depressing the button
once more will take you to the start up factor screen. De-
pressing the button again will bring you to the minimum
pump speed screen. Depressing the button once more will
bring the main operating screen back up.
17. Reset Gallons Button
This button resets the gallons sprayed count to zero.
It can be used after each shot if so desired or at the end
of the day’s work. The total square yards is reset to
zero by depressing the reset gallons and reset feet but-
tons down simultaneously.
18. Application Rate Switch
This switch is used to set the application rate for
spraying. This switch is also used to change other func-
tions while in screen other than the main operator scree,
20. Suckback Switch
This switch selects the suckback function. Hold the
switch Up to activate suckback and release to have nor-
mal operation. (optional)
21. Bar Latch Switch
This is part of the power bar latch option. Push up to
latch the bar in its transport position and push down to
release the bar so that it can be lowered to its spray
position. If your Distributor is not equipped with this
option, this switch will not be there.
22. Mirror Switch
This switch controls the optional electrically adjust-
able mirror. Push up to raise the mirror and down to
lower the mirror. Push left to rotate the mirror to the
left and push right to rotate the mirror to the right. If
your Distributor is not equipped with this option, this
switch will not be there.
23. Bar Centered Light.
This light is part of the lift shift and raise option and
shows when the spraybar is centered. If your Distributor
is not equipped with this option, this light will not be there.