Half-bridges ("PS" Connection)
User Guide
62 A/D Converter
A 14-bit A/D converter digitizes the output signal of the analog filter with the
sampling rate configured for the channel. Digital Filter
In the configuration software, it is possible to select whether or with which dig
ital filter type the output signal of the A/D converter is processed:
• Use of a CIC filter or
• Use of an IIR filter or
• Digital filter jumpered CIC Filter
The parameters of the CIC filter (Cascaded-Integrator-Comb filter) are auto
matically set in the configuration software upon selecting the sampling rate. IIR Filter
The IIR filter (Infinitive Impulse Response filter) is a 2nd order Bessel filter for
which the user is automatically provided a matching selection of limit frequen
cies (0.4
Hz to 4
kHz) for the configuration depending on the sampling rate.
The digital filters of the six channels for the Current Sense PS n current mea
surement receive the same settings during the configuration.
The software configurable filter of a measuring channel (analog inputs [AI]
and current measurement channels [PS] of the Power Stages) is automati
cally deactivated when the measurement channel is operated in the event