Cleaning and maintenance
Regular maintenance
Check heating system's water pressure
The heating system's water pressure is
measured by the control system and displayed
on the screen. A visual check is still necessary though.
In buildings with up to three storeys, the optimum
water pressure in a cold heating system is between 1
and 2 bar. For a warm heating system, the optimum
water pressure is between 1.5 and 2.5 bar.
If the water pressure is too low, fill the cold heating
system to approx. 2 bar. Do not fill to a higher
pressure, as water expands with increasing
temperature and the water pressure also rises when
the boiler is heating. The safety valve triggers at
approx. 2.8 bar.
If the boiler is operated at maximum 6 bar water
pressure, the values listed above must be
increased accordingly.