Power Connection
1. The provided 24V DC battery is for back up, connect it to the pre-wired connector on the board
before plugging in your transformer.
2. The Estate Swing E-SL 450 comes with 1) 24V transformer. The transformer supplied has 2 yel-
low wires to be spliced to low voltage wire . You may extend those wires and locate the trans-
former up to
away from the control board using 2 conductor stranded 16 gauge direct
burial wire
. The transfor mer must be kept in a weather protected ar ea and also in a
location that it cannot be tampered with by children or pets. It is be.
3. Connect the two wires form the transformer on the top and bottom screw terminals on the white
connector on the side of the gate opener.
4. Plug the
into a 120 VAC outlet.
Never run 110VAC power directly to the Estate Swing. This will destroy the Estate Swing
control board.
Never connect the power wire with the transformer plugged in. Contact
between the two lead wires, even for a second, will destroy the transformer.
Transformers are only warranted if the internal fuse is not blown. If the fuse is blown an outside factor
(shorting, surge, water, etc) has caused the transformer not to function.