Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
Overview – The K1-ERM Series
3x4 Keypad, 2x6 Keypad
& Encoded Relay Module
(clockwise from top left)
The Essex K1-ERM Encoded Keyless
Entry® Access Control System is an
extremely versatile Keypad and Encoded
Relay Module (ERM). The 500-user code
system consists of either a 3x4 or 2x6
Keypad and an Encoded Relay
Module (ERM).
Keypad with ERM
Part Numbers
3x4 Keypad with ERM
K1-34B-ERM3 Brass Finished* Bezel
K1-34S-ERM3 Stainless Steel Bezel
K1-34K-ERM3 Black Bezel
K1-34X-ERM3 No Bezel
2x6 Keypad with ERM
K1-26B-ERM3 Brass Overlay
K1-26I-ERM3 Illuminated
K1-26S-ERM3 Stainless Steel Overlay
K1-26R-ERM3 Braille Overlay
*Bezel is brass in appearance. Actual bezel is PVD-coated stainless