Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
altered or disconnected. In no event shall Essex Electronics,
Incorporated be liable for any damage to persons, property or area
surrounding the installation site caused by any malfunction of the
K1-ERM Encoded Keyless Entry® Access Control System or
Encoded Relay Module (ERM).
Each replacement K1-ERM Encoded Keyless Entry® Access
Control System or Encoded Relay Module (ERM) or replacement
part to be furnished under this warranty shall be provided for at our
factory listed below. We will not pay, nor be responsible for,
shipping, transportation or delivery charges, or other cost of
removal of a defective K1-ERM Encoded Keyless Entry® Access
Control System or Encoded Relay Module (ERM) or installation of
a replacement K1-ERM Encoded Keyless Entry® Access Control
System or Encoded Relay Module (ERM). The original of any
system replaced under this warranty shall become our property,
and as such will, at our request, be returned to our factory with
transportation charges replaced by the Buyer.
Essex Electronics, Incorporated reserves the right to discontinue a
product for any reason, without notice, at any time. If a product that
has been discontinued proves defective, within the terms
expressed in this Limited Warranty, a substitute product may be
provided at the Seller’s election, as a replacement for the original
discontinued product.
Notice of any defect must be sent to Essex Electronics,
Incorporated, 1130 Mark Avenue, Carpinteria, California, 93013,
USA and must include the date code of the unit, description of the
defect and factory assigned Return Authorization #.
Upon receipt of such notification, Essex Electronics, Incorporated
will determine whether to repair or replace. We also reserve the
right to have our representative make any inspection or repairs, or
furnish replacements.
This warranty excludes elevator and vehicle Keyless Entry®