Upper & Lower Belt Tracker
Step 1.
Manually move the guide rollers from side to side to check the system function.
Ensure all bolts have been tightened adequately.
Step 2. Is the belt empty?
Make sure there are no tools left on the belt
They may clog up conveyor systems.
Step 3. Start the conveyor.
Follow the established safety rules.
Step 4. Observe the action of the Belt Tracker.
Check the Belt Tracker action to ensure it is functioning correctly. Allow at least 10 revolutions of
the belt.
If adjustment is required, turn off and lock out/tag out the energy source to the conveyor and
conveyor accessories.
Check and tighten all fasteners after running the belt.
Step 5. Demonstrate the system to the Operating Supervisors and Crew.
Call the Supervisors responsible for the maintenance and operation to the site. Make a
short run of the system. Show the operator how to adjust the system.
Step 6. Secure the system for production.
Follow plant procedure to secure the conveyor for production.