Kongsberg C-series
Homing the Stacker
The stacker must be Homed before it will
operate in Auto mode.
Set the Mode selector switch to Auto.
Press the Home button on the Main
The carriage beam will move up to the
carriage home position and the gantry will
move back to the gantry home position.
The rectangular bar will turn green when
the homing process is completed.
Stacker Find Stack Height
Press the Stacker Find Stack button on the
Main Screen.
The gantry will move over the pallet stack and
then the carriage will move slowly down until
the plenum with the plunger sensor detects
the top board on the stack.
The height of the stack is recorded by the
control system and the carriage beam returns
to the upper position.
The stacker is now ready for automatic
operation with the cutter.
19.12. Machine Faults, Errors and Remedies
The system is in a faulted condition whenever the blue Fault Reset pushbutton is flashing.
A faulted condition indicates that the safety circuit is de-energized and the system cannot be
operated in any mode.
The following is a list of faults that may occur and possible remedies.
1 - Feeder Emergency Stop Pushbutton Pressed Fault
There are three Estop pushbuttons on the Feeder. Pressing any Estop button will cause the
feeder emergency stop safety circuit to be de-energized.