6.2.6 UDP Gateway
This is a special mode of the ECX-EC in which the EtherCAT secondary (EC-B) is left unused.
Instead of that the UDP remote station (ETH) acts as a primary, i.e. the input data of the primary
(EC-A) are received by the ECX-EC by UDP and the output data are accordingly transmitted by
The definition of the variables and the process image is executed as described in chapter 6.2.3, i.e.
the variables are defined by the PDOs written from the EtherCAT side. Configuration
Basically it is sufficient to activate the UDP gateway mode in CoE-Objekt 0x2030.01: The ECX-EC
immediately starts to transmit, respectively receives the process data using the default settings.
EoE and all PDOs except 0x1600 - “Outputs” and 0x1A00 - “Inputs” are not supported in UDP
gateway mode.
At least the cycle time for process data transmission has to be defined. In the default setting the
transmission happens less than 10 ms each (Object 0x2030.0b). Additionally many objects for
diagnostic purposed are available.
The configuration object 0x2030 “UDP gateway” and its default settings are described in chapter (see page 60).
Important Notes on UDP Gateway Mode
Some restrictions appear on the described basic ECX-EC functions, because in UDP
gateway mode there are not two EtherCAT segments be connected.
Only the PDOs 0x1600 (outputs) and 0x1a00 (inputs) are supported.
All functions regarding EtherCAT distributed clocks (inclusive all entries in Object
0x2000 – “Other Settings”) are no longer supported.
EoE is not supported
The automatic check of variable identity at both sides is not supported. This check
is in the user's responsibility.
Additionally the meaning of the LED B display (see 2.2) is changed:
RUN green
UDP remote station is connected (see, object
UDP remote station is not connected
blinking process data received from UDP remote station
ERR red
UDP remote station is not connected
UDP remote station is connected
The quick start of the UDP-Gateway with the UDDC (Universal Device Description
Composer) is described in the following chapter.
Manual • Doc. No.: E.3022.21 / Rev. 1.9
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