PCM-875A Plasmarc System
6.2.3 The Power light is on, but nothing happens when the torch is signaled to fire.
Fault light does not activate.
NOTE: Unplug high frequency connection before
attempting to work on this problem.
Check the Pilot Arc fuse (F2) located on the rear
panel. An open fuse will indicate a short in the torch. If
the fuse is all right, then check the following:
With the machine power on, depress the torch
switch. On the control board the LED 1 should be
lit as long as the switch is depressed. If not then
Turn power off to the machine. Unplug Control
board. Put an ohmmeter across P5-1 and P5-2 to
take resistance reading. Depress torch switch.
Meter should read a short. If not, then one of the
following is not working properly:
Torch switch or the leads. Unplug the torch
switch leads at the machine. Put a meter across
the two plug pins. Should read a short when the
torch switch is depressed. If not, then either
broken switch leads or malfunctioning switch.
Check T2 transformer secondary voltages at the
plugs P1 and P2. Refer to system schematic.
Replace the transformer if the correct secondary
voltages are not present.
If everything above checks out all right, then the PCB1
Control Board should be replaced.