0463 815 001
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© ESAB AB 2021
Installing 2 lb spool (4 in. diameter)
In order to fit a 2 lb spool (4 in. diameter) assemble parts in the sequence shown in the figure
To install wire spool, refer to the steps below.
Figure 13: 2 lb (4 in.) spool installation
1 Wire spool hub nut
5 10mm spacer large hole
2 Flat washer small hole
6 Fiber washer
3 Spring small hole
4 2 lb (4 in.) diameter wire spool
1) Remove wire spool hub retaining clip. Grasp the loop and pull.
2) Place fiber washer and large spring onto the shaft, then load the wire spool on the shaft so
that the wire will feed off the bottom of the spool as spool rotates counter clockwise.
3) Then place flat washer large hole, keyed washer, spring, flat washer small hole. Finally secure
with wire spool hub nut.
The hub tension has been pre-adjusted at the factory. However if adjustment is
required, see "Wire reel brake" section.
Use care in handling the spooled wire as it will tend to “unravel” when loosened
from the spool. Grasp the end of the wire firmly and don’t let go of it.