Advanced Topics — A4: — A5: Adv. Audio
effect will vary dramatically depending on the electrodes, their locations, and
the setting of the
controls. Feel free to experiment—but only below
the waist.
You can purchase a
cable directly from ErosTek and most dealers.
Microphone Options
- The microphone signal is mixed in with the right channel Audio
input. If a music player and the microphone are both connected, adjusting the volume
on the music player and adjusting the
control will allow the music stimulation to be
balanced with sounds picked up by the microphone. The ET312 is designed for electret
computer (PC) compatible microphones. A headset style microphone can be interesting for
some applications.
Wave File Processing
- Some e -stim enthusiasts have generated computer based
wave files for use with erotic e-stim. These files are available on the Internet and can be
played back using iTunes or other music player software. They can also be encoded as
MP3 files and played back using a computer or a portable music player. Some use these
files to drive an audio amplifier and use the output for e-stim. This is not safe for many
reasons!. The ET312 is specially designed to process wave files into a proper TENS-style
e-stim waveform opening up many new creative possibilities. The
mode should be
used for these files and wave frequencies around 300hz or 600hz will work best.
preserves phase information and can be used with the TriPhase connections — see
Section A4.
DIY Wired Remote Control
- The right channel Audio input (the middle contact on the
3.5mm plug) has response down to DC. This allows an external DC voltage, from 0 to 2
volts, to be used to proportionally control the output of the ET312 in the Audio 1 and Audio
2 modes. The MA control can be used to set the adjustment range. A simple 1.5 volt battery
circuit connected with “+” to the middle ring on the plug and “-” to the base of the plug will
make a remote.