Advanced Topics — A2: Menus
Set As Favorite?
- Pressing OK will select the current mode as your favorite mode. This
means next time you turn on your ET-312, it will automatically start in your favorite mode.
The default is Waves.
Set Pwr Level?
- Pressing OK brings up the Power Level menu. The ET -312 offers
three ranges of intensity—Low, Normal and High. The unit is set to Normal from the factory.
If you’re using the ET -312 mainly for pleasure, or otherwise want to restrict the maximum
output, the Low range is useful. If you’re using it for very intense BDSM, the High range can
be selected. The new power level will go into effect immediately when OK is pressed.
Turn down the Level controls before changing the Power Level. Use extra care
when using the High setting. If already using High, and you want still more power, increase
the Pulse Width setting — see Section A3.
Link Slave Unit?
- Pressing OK will attempt to link a second ET -312 as a “slave” unit.
When linked, the slave unit will mirror the actions of the “master” unit. This provides four
channels of stimulation coordinated by one ET -312. Only the two Level controls are used
on the slave unit to adjust the intensity of the third and fourth channels. The link works in
most but not all modes. If you desire four channels of audio stimulation, use a Y cable or
two microphones to feed the same audio source to both units.
To link two ET -312s, first turn both units off and connect the Link jacks together using the
optional Eros Tek Link cable. Then, with both on, select the “Link Slave Unit?” option on the
master unit. If the link is established, a “Linked” message is displayed and the master unit
may now be used normally and the slave unit will “mirror” its actions. If it fails, an error is
displayed and you must turn both units off and back on before you can try again.
Save Settings?
- Pressing OK saves your choices for the Split mode, Power Level and
the Advanced Menu values in nonvolatile memory. The ET -312 will use these saved values
in the future.
Reset Settings?
- Pressing OK will reset the unit back to the factory default settings.
If your ET -312 isn’t working the way it used to, this menu choice will set it back to the
optimum factory settings.
Adjust Advanced?
- Pressing OK will bring up another layer of menus. These are for
the very experienced e-stim enthusiast only.
If you are not familiar with things like pulse
width, modulation and frequency, we recommend you do not alter these settings.