QuadroCS Manual II: Administrator's Guide
About this Administrator's Guide
(SW Version 3.0.x)
About this Administrator's Guide
The QuadroCS Manual is divided into three parts:
Manual I: Installation Guide
gives step-by-step instructions to provision the Quadro Conference Server and configure the conferences with the
Epygi SIP Server. After successfully configuring the Quadro, users will be able to automatically or manually initiate the call conferences between
several IP peers, deal with the active conferences and record them if needed.
Manual II: Administrator's Guide
that explains all QuadroCS management menus available for administrators only. Further it includes a list of
all System Default Values.
Manual III: Conference User's Guide
explains all menus that can be accessed and configured by the conference users within the QuadroCS.
Further a list of all available call codes can be found here.
QuadroCS's Graphical Interface
introduces to the QuadroCS's graphical user interface and explains all recurrent buttons.
Administrator’s Menus
explains each of the Administrator's management pages according to the menu structure shown on the main page of the
Quadro management.
Appendix: System Default Values
lists all factory defaults.
Appendix: Software License Agreement
includes the contract for using QuadroCS's hardware and software.