Epson Research and Development
Page 7
Vancouver Design Center
13706SHOW Demonstration Program
Issue Date: 01/02/23
5. To show solid vertical stripes, type the following:
13706SHOW /s
The program displays the default color depth as selected by 13706CFG. Press any key
to go to the next screen. Once all screens are shown the program exits. To exit the pro-
gram immediately press the Esc key.
The “/s” switch can be used in combination with other command line switches.
• If 13706SHOW is started without specifying the color depth (b=), the program automat-
ically cycles through the available color depths from highest to lowest. The first color
depth shown is the default color depth value saved to 13706SHOW using 13706CFG.
This approach avoids showing color depths not supported by a given hardware configu-
• 13706SHOW cannot show a greater color depth than the display device allows.