Epson Research and Development
Page 89
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/23
10.2.8 Drawing
Functions in this category perform primitive drawing on the specified display surface.
Supported drawing primitive include pixels, lines, rectangles, ellipses and circles.
All drawing functions are in relation to the given SwivelView mode. For example, co-
ordinate (0, 0) is always the top left corner of the image, but this is physically in different
corners of the panel depending on what SwivelView mode is selected.
void seSetPixel(long x, long y, DWORD Color)
void seSetMainWinPixel(long x, long y, DWORD Color)
void seSetSubWinPixel(long x, long y, DWORD Color)
These routines set a pixel at the location (x,y) with the specified color.
Use seSetPixel() to set one pixel on the current active surface. See seSetMainWinAsAc-
tiveSurface() and seSetSubWinAsActiveSurface() for information about changing the
active surface.
Use seSetMainWinPixel() and seSetSubWinPixel() to set one pixel on the surface indi-
cated in the function name.
If no memory was allocated to the surface, these functions return without writing to dis-
play memory.
The X co-ordinate, in pixels, of the pixel to set.
The Y co-ordinate, in pixels, of the pixel to set.
Specifies the color to draw the pixel with. Color is interpreted
differently at different color depths.
At 1, 2, 4 and 8 bpp, display colors are derived from the lookup table
values. The least significant byte of Color forms an index into the
lookup table.
At 16 bpp the lookup table is bypassed and each word of
display memory forms the color to display. In this mode the least
significant word describes the color to draw the pixel with in 5-6-5
RGB format.
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