Page 36
Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/23
2. Determine the main window display start address.
The main window is typically placed at the start of display memory, which is at dis-
play address 0.
main window display start address register
= (desired byte a ((panel width - 1)
panel height
= (0 + ((320 - 1)
= 9570
= 2562h
Program the Main Window Display Start Address registers. REG[74h] is set to 62h,
REG[75h] is set to 25h, and REG[76h] is set to 00h.
3. Determine the main window line address offset.
number of dwords per line
= image width
= 240
= 30
= 1Eh
Program the Main Window Line Address Offset registers. REG[78h] is set to 1Eh,
and REG[79h] is set to 00h.
7.3 Limitations
7.3.1 SwivelView 0° and 180°
In SwivelView 0° and 180°, the main window line address offset register requires the panel
width to be a multiple of 32
bits-per-pixel. If this is not the case, then the main window
line address offset register must be programmed to a longer line which is a multiple of 32
bits-per-pixel. This longer line creates a virtual image where the width is main window
line address offset register
bits-per-pixel and the main window image must be drawn
right-justified to this virtual width.
7.3.2 SwivelView 90° and 270°
In SwivelView 90° and 270°, the main window line address offset register requires the
panel height to be a multiple of 32
bits-per-pixel. If this is not the case, then the main
window line address offset register must be programmed to a longer line which is a multiple
of 32
bits-per-pixel. This longer line creates a virtual image whose width is main window
line address offset register
bits-per-pixel and the main window image must be drawn
right-justified to this virtual width.