MB stands for megabyte, which equals 1024KB (or 1,048,576
bytes). KB stands for kilobyte, which equals 1024 bytes. Each
byte represents a single character, such as A, $, or 3.
If your computer has more than one type of diskette drive, or if
you use different types of diskettes, you need to be aware of
certain incompatibilities between the drives and diskettes. See
the following tables.
3.5-inch drive/diskette compatibility
Drive type
Diskette types it can read from and write to
1.44MB, 720KB
5.25-inch drive/diskette compatibility
Drive type
Diskette types it can read from and write to
360KB. 320KB. 180KB. 160KB
1.2MB. 360KB,* 320KB,* 180KB,* 160KB*
If you write to this diskette in a 1.2MB drive, you may not be able to read it
or write to it in
360KB drive later.
Because of possible incompatibilities, always label your
diskettes with the diskette type and density. (Usually this
information appears on the manufacturer’s label.)
If you want to format a 720KB diskette in a 1.44MB drive or a
360KB diskette in a 1.2MB drive, make sure you include the
correct parameter in your format command. (In Windows
you need to select the drive capacity.) See your operating
system manual for instructions.
Using Your Computer