Operating the Control Panel
Press this button to select or deselect the condensed mode.
The printer beeps once when you select the condensed
mode and beeps twice when you deselect it. In the
condensed mode all characters are approximately 60% of
their normal width.
Note: You cannot select the condensed mode while using the
Roman or Sans Serif NLQ fonts.
Other control panel features
The control panel also gives you access to several special functions.
Self test:
The self test lets you check that your printer
is operating properly and prints out the
current DIP switch settings. See the section
on testing the printer in Chapter 1 for more
M i c r o - a d j u s t m e n t :
The micro-adjustment function allows you to
make fine adjustments to the loading and
short tear-off positions. See the section on
adjusting the loading position in Chapter 2
and the section on using short tear-off later
in this chapter.
D a t a d u m p :
The data dump mode allows advanced users
to find the cause of communication problems
between the printer and application
programs. To use data dump mode, make
sure that paper is loaded and the printer is
off. Then hold down the
buttons and turn on the printer. Your
printer then prints all codes it receives in
hexadecimal format, as shown below.
To turn off data dump mode, press the
button to
take the printer off line; then turn off the printer.
Using the Printer