The following definitions apply specifically to printers.
Contraction of American Standard Code for Information
Interchange. A standardized coding system for assigning numerical
codes to letters and symbols.
auto line feed
When this feature is enabled using a DIP switch the printer
automatically follows each carriage return code (CR) with a line
feed (LF) code.
baud rate
A measure of the speed of data transmission. Usually expressed in
bits per second or bps.
bidirectional printing
Printing in which the print head alternates printing a line from left
to right with printing from right to left. This increases the overall
printing speed because the head prints in both directions.
character set
A collection of letters, numbers, and symbols that provides you
with the characters used in a particular language.
character table
A portion of the printer’s standard ASCII character set that can be
used for either graphic symbols or italic characters.
Characters per inch
A measure of the size of text characters. Ten cpi is the printer’s
default setting.