Appendix D
CPU Clock Frequency Selection In BIOS Setting.
There is a special function for CPU over-clocking requirement which can be chosen and set
by BIOS, please refer to the following steps for adjustment.
1. Enter the BIOS CMOS setup program.
2. Choose Chipset Features Setup in main menu.
3. Use Page down (or+) / Page up (or -) to choose CPU clock frequency as one of 66.8, 75,
83.3MHz or by JP3 to setting from 103MHz to 133MHz.
(Note: There are 66.8, 75 and 83.3MHz for pentium II CPU CLOCK frequency. 100, 103,
112 and 133MHz CPU clock are used for Deschutes CPU.)
4. Press Save & Exit setup to complete BIOS setting.
If screen becomes blank or system cant boot anymore after above setting. that means your
CPU couldnt be capable of supporting overclock, and you have to follow the steps below to
recover the CPU clock frequency.
Step 1: Power the system off. (J3 PW-ON)
Step 2: Press <INS> (Insert) key while powering on the system, system will function with
66MHz external frequency at this moment which depends on what kind of CPU on
Step 3: Please choose lower frequency and try again.
We do not guarantee all CPUs can be over-clocked, it depends on CPU design and the
peripherals you are using; its vitally important to use faster peripherals (faster SDRAM, I/O,
AGP card...) to come with the higher CPU clock frequency.
Please set apporpriate CPU CLOCK frequency to make the system stable.