Web admin interface
VGA Broadcaster Lite User Guide
Flash video (H.264) and Motion JPEG can be viewed on
many operating systems and web browsers. ASF can be
viewed with the Windows Media Player on Windows
systems, and the VLC Media Player on Windows and other
operating systems. RTSP supports many media players
including QuickTime and MPlayer.
For streaming over HTTP you can select any stream type
except for RTSP.
For RTP streaming use the Specific Stream Settings section
described below.
Video encoding preset
Define whether video stream should be encoded at a high
quality, high speed or according to the default system
Video encoding profile
You can select encoding profiles targeting specific classes
of applications:
Baseline: for applications requiring additional data
loss robustness, e.g. videoconferencing
Main: for standard-definition broadcasts
High: for broadcast and disc storage applications
Frame size
You can select a Frame size from the drop down list to limit
the width and height of the video image. If the video source
is sending resolutions larger than the resolution limit they
will be scaled to the resolution limit. Limiting the file
resolution can help to reduce bandwidth usage.
Key frame interval
Controls the number of seconds between key frames. Key
frame defines the starting and ending points of any smooth
Limit frame rate
Enter a value (frames per second) in the Limit frame rate
field to set a frame rate that is lower than the maximum
frame rate at which the VGA Broadcaster Lite device can
capture images. You can reduce the frame rate to reduce